
Let's' get dangerous!

ただいまDarkWingDuck(邦題:ダックにおまかせ ダークウィング・ダック)のDVDを視聴中。ダックテイルズやレスキューレンジャーと同年代のディズニーのTVシリーズらしいのですが、当時観ていたのかどうかさっぱり思い出せないです…(と、いうことは多分観てない)他の二本は覚えてるのになぁー;



Watching Darkwing Duck DVD now.:D (I don't remember who recommended the cartoon to me) I haven't ever watched DarkwingDuck, but it's as good as DuckTales. I'm glad to see again Launchpad!XD

15 件のコメント:

  1. Baw~ How cute! ^^
    Loving how the little girl is holding on to his cape :3

  2. DD was such an awesome show! Great pic!

  3. Sh*t yeah it is! Also, you might like to know the character designer of Darkwing Duck (and general storyboard genius), Toby Shelton, has a blog here.

    Followed you here from dA :D Good to see you keep posting your awesome arts!

  4. Awesome! I remember I used to watch Darkwing Duck when I was younger.
    This is great!
    (I'm from Deviantart if you haven't noticed my user name, which is the same XD)

  5. Ja. A mi lo que mas me gustaba del pato Darkwing era la canción...

  6. DD is one of my favorites toons in all world! ♥♥ I love you, really! :D

  7. Good job with Darkwing! It's great to see new art from you!

    I am going to paint an family of frogs in acrylic paint for my daughter; I hope I can make them as good as your Rana!

  8. Yo recuerdo muy bien este show de televisión. Solía verlo cuando era un pequeño niño. Me encantaba. No hace falta que lo diga, pero lo voy a decir: Excelente dibujo. Cuídate.

    I remember this show. It was really amazing and funny. When I was a little child I watched all the time. Good memories. Anyway, I don´t have to say this, but: This is an amazing draw.
    Take cara. Bye

  9. it's a nice art, btw, did you know some episodes were made in Japan ? (in that time, japanese studios like Walt Disney Animation Japan and Telecom Animation Film worked on american cartoons)
